Sunday, September 30, 2007

Modern-Day Proverbs 31 Woman

We are studying in my women's Bible study group what exactly it means to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I thought I'd share the vision God gives me of a day in the life of a modern-day Proverbs 31 woman:

It began with a merciless scream from her child's room, followed by a consistent effort to wake up a sleepy-eyed adolescent daughter. She distributes their hand-packed lunches, each carefully initialed by a letter. When they leave, she begins the day of preparation. After all, there are groceries to be bought, clothes to be washed and put away, and bills to be paid. No one said idleness was even an option.

Her world spins incessantly fast but her heart is at peace. After a long day of servanthood, she takes off the white undershirt with the almost-strategically placed spit-up markings and slips on her most flattering purple cashmere blouse. Purple: the color of royalty, a dazzling compliment to her pacific blue eyes. In the distance, the tic-toc of familiar footsteps is heard...he's home. Her beloved has arrived from his equally demanding day in the workplace. She turns the corner to greet him. Her eloquent beauty still provides him with the perfect safe haven to return home to.

Over dinner, she eagerly listens as her children gush over the details of their day. They have great admiration for her and though they do not always show it, they desperately seek to be just like her one day. And yes, she notices that the edges of the toast are slightly burnt and maybe her chicken is lacking its usual tenderness, yet she doesn't focus on the wrongs, but rather sinks into the delights of the rights. As she vigorously scrubs the dirty dishes, she says not one utterance that would resemble complaint, and instead thinks of how she can serve next. Her heart is meek. Her motive, humble. And when those linen sheets fold up tightly around her neck at night, she is thankful for today and by no means threatened by tomorrow. Her peace-filled heart knows that tomorrow will bring its own set of problems and worrying won't change them. She sweetly kisses her husband goodnight and he smiles because the same thankfulness leaks into his body. He notices that she brings so may vibrant colors to his previously black-and-white world. Her eyes become heavy as she spins into much-needed sleep. Tomorrow will rise with the same purpose: to serve others and be a catalyst for change, regardless of circumstance. Her gentle spirit will not ask for praise for these great deeds that often go unnoticed, but the Lord is watching, and He certainly notices. And for her, that's enough.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

New Tricks

I love the digital age. Although, after 6 hours or so of editing, I may declare otherwise....truth is, i appreciate what it does for processing pictures. Here's the latest trick I learned thanks to Sarah Huffman. We decided to swap post-processing secrets!
Here's the before and after:

Friday, September 28, 2007

Kristen - Portrait Session

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Ole KWest helped me complete my vision for my new "FAQ" of a girl and an umbrella. I was trying to practice direct light in a few of these images. Kristen was a great trooper- she even climbed into a tree for me.... in a dress! And went to a shady car park, (and no, i don't usually take clients to scary places). These are a several of the ones I shot, the rest are on Facebook if you are interested!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Rachel - Senior Session

Rachel and I trucked it all across A&M's campus to take her senior pictures. This girl is an Aggie at heart, so she wanted to make sure we covered all the special places of Aggieland. Here are the favorites:

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I realize I have WAY too much time on my hands, but you have got to try this:

Constant Tug-of-War

I was tired and worn out but that play button wouldn't stop staring at me. "Just go to bed, you need sleep" tugged one voice. The other said "Push play, I'd like to remind you of something," so I did. Five minutes later tears are streaming down both cheeks like the great rapids. God just wanted to remind me that everyday is a spiritual battle, whether good or bad. And no matter how much sin may infest our hearts and thoughts, we are always sweetly placed in the hands of a loving Father. We can rest assured that the battle has been fought- and although the enemy may put up a heavy fight, the KING will be the only one with a seat at the throne.

So I encourage you to push play- and I hope it moves you the way it did me.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Home of LeeAnn Womack

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Here are a few fun shots I took of my mom (against her will) in Jacksonville, Tx- Home of LeeAnn Womack! The first is a straight head shot of her. The woman amazes me, 47 years old and people still thinks shes my sister! Let's hope I got her aging genes.

The legacy continues...

The big ole' gold beauty finally has hit my hands! After 3.5 years of finals, late-night cram sessions, and a newfound obsession for all "munchie" foods, I finally have some gold to show for it.

If you are out of state reading this, you probably think, "Its just a graduation ring? Mine is in a box somewhere." No no, not here in Aggieland. Ring day is an EVENT. Tents filled with water to keep hydrated, dunking festivals, and professional photographers to make sure and capture a piece of your day. It's a big deal... its the pinnacle of your career as an Aggie. And yesterday I became a part of that legacy.

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These are my roommates Sarah (left) and Kay (right) who were nice enough to come spend the day with me!

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Friday, September 21, 2007

It's all about you, BABY!

Hello all... If you or someone you know needs the following please leave a comment below:

-maternity portraits
-children's portraits
-infant portraits

I am really wanting to try out these areas of photography, since it is the area I feel I would like to end up focusing on. If you let me know, I will give them a 50% off of a session fee! I would really appreciate it! It's been hard to find mom's who want pictures in a college-based town.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Maghan - Portrait Session

Maghan is the captain of the Kilgore Rangerettes. She was looking for some pictures that were outside the studio to put on her captain's wall. This long-legged beauty was such a natural in front of the camera. I barely had to tell her how to do anything!

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Unedited Beauty

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This picture is fresh outta the camera oven. No editing. And I must brag on two things about this picture:

1. Maghan for being so unbelievably photogenic.
2. My Canon 50mm lens. If you are a photographer who does not have this lens... run to the store TODAY! It is the cheapest lens I own but has produced my favorite images. This lens is so soft- I love it!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Autumn Enters

I will be out of town this weekend. I'm off to shoot a session with the captain of the Kilgore Rangerettes! So I will leave you with this little poem to get you excited about my most favorite season, FALL!
The leaves slowly trickle from the trees
Leaving a crunch for innocent children's feet
Birds snuggle up close on a wire
Turtlenecks and scarfs become necessary attire
A cool breeze sweeps in to refresh
Women find warmth in their lover's caress
Intriguing colors begin to take flight
A blanket of renewal covers all nature in sight
So come closer, my love, fall is near
Beauty is not easily perceived unless you are here.

here's Miss Marlie who is about to be 6 months, she's grown so fast!

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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

John + Edit - Wedding

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Matt's beverage of choice: it succesfully washes down a hard week of law school.
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This is the ring bearer, Willie, wearing one of the bridesmaids glasses- what a ham!

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John's beaming face when he sees Edit for the first time.

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This was one of my favorite weddings I have ever been to. John was my fiance's roommate all throughout college..and patiently waited until he found his perfect fit. The couple simply radiates love. The ceremony was filled with sniffles and sometimes sobs of happiness for the love that these two share. Congrats you guys, the Lord will most certainly reward your marriage because you have continually put Him first in your lives. Thanks for being our test run! :)