Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"The Classy Girl"

It's been about a month since my last model session with Beth Brinker and I'm itching for another! The theme is classiness...think Marilyn Monroe glam. Here are the prop requirements:

-a bright umbrella
-red lipstick
-a plain white or black dress

There are no studio fee, so this is a $150 value! Leave a comment if you want to be the lucky girl!

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Right Time

I was frantic as a I searched through old drawers - hastily shuffling through notes kept from 7th grade, a rusty pair of scissors, and whatever else hides in the drawers of a pack-rat. Bible study was coming up, it was my turn to lead and I just had to have my paper. I was so prepared with the comfort of the paper, without it, I had to just free-style. I prayed and prayed that God would help me to locate the short-novel I had written over Esther. His answer: You don't need it yet.

Almost exactly a year later, my brother was clumsily searching through those same old drawers, when he pulled out a notepad and out fell the pages. His answer: NOW you need it.

God knew that it was necessary for me to remember Esther at this point in my life. Thanks to His perfect timing, today I am restored as I read how God translated to me the story of a woman of courage. A courage I lack but have been desperately seeking. A woman with love for her people, a pure heart, and a soul dripping with the desire to obey the Lord's will.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Mars Meets Earth

This is a bit out of left field, but incase you are like me and don't watch the news I thought I'd inform you of what my hilarious roommate kindly let me know last night in an e-mail. Photographers, bust out your cameras for this once in a lifetime event!

"Apparently it is an urban legend that Mars is expected have a close encounter with our planet Earth on August 27, the 239th day of the year, at aroPublish Postund 12:30 AM. The wobble of Mars orbit supposedly will bring the two planets closer together than they have ever been in thousands of years. Scientists have deemed this event as one "no one alive will ever see again" as the Red Planet is proposed to be the size of our moon.

Two FULL MOONS people. Two FULL MOONS. How can we not capitalize on this ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE?

Here is what I propose: we are going to have a small gathering of friends and dogs united at our house. We will begin the evenings festivities with watching "Mars Attacks," "Mission to Mars," "Apollo 13", "Armageddon," or simply Discovery Channel. I might even steal "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and dress as Diana Troy. I'm just saying...We will then have a meal consisting of solely space food. They make some pretty damn-delicious icecream, no trickin'. Here is the kicker: everyone MUST dress as their interpretation of a martian. Macey will be fully dressed like a creepy space invader or Mr. Spoc.

I figure we could have some beer also. And sparkling grape juice. =) I fully intend on researching alien beer. There is BOUND to be some cheesy website that makes that junk. OR OOOO...ooooo....GREEN spiked KOOLAID. Aliens LOVE KOOLAID.

I think we might also need to play 42 or something. And every time we win a hand, the winner get to make galatic space noises. I might even try to see if I can locate a light-saber...
Give me opinions. No one answered my phone calls tonight.

Hope life is beautiful where you are,

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

LOGO design

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

These are the logos I have right now to work with. VOTE on which you like best! It would help me tremendously!

Friday, August 17, 2007


Apparently, there's a photography blog tag going around to list 8 things about yourself, so here they are:

1. My favorite munch food is ice cream: Ben & Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk & I love to take regular vanilla ice cream and crush up cinnamon pita chips to put in it.
2. I love children...and I want to name all my kids after colors Gray, Sienna, and Violet...although Violet isn't gonna make it cause Matt says it reminds him of a 98 year old.
3. When I was 12, I hated my long eyelashes, so I cut them off into short stubs. Thankfully, they grew back.
4. Most people think I am laid-back when first meeting me, but I am really the most high-strung person I know. My mind never shuts off.
5. If I could be any animal I would be an otter- they are so fun and flirty.
6. My mom was going to name me Ashlan, but changed it to Rachel.
7. I am deathly afraid of opossums. When we lived in the country, they used to "play dead" in our garage trash can. I saw one this morning at 6:30 a.m. and my stomach has been churning ever since!
8. I once took a 3-day hike through the Great Divide. Some highlights: We got hailed on, loose rocks caused me to slide down the mt. a ways, and there was definitely no toilet paper. I learned I aint THAT outdoorsy!

What We've Been Up To...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
">Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Matthew is building a computer, I'm working on mine *particularly the blog, do you like the new design?* We are hoping soon Moose and Marlie will get along, Moose will leave his cocoon-like bag and Marlie will stop trying to jump on him!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bigger is Better

Finally!!! I know how to upload large pictures. This is really just a test run...but here are a few more pics from this weekend!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Preston....potential male model?

My family went to the Gaylord this weekend, and so I had an itch to practice some lighting...Preston was the target. We went around the area and took some quick pics. Let me know what you think!

This last one is just for your humor. You see my mom has probably drank about 3 times in her life, and she decided to "go a little crazy" and try a complimentary Peach Schnapps. It was of NO compliment to her. After four sips her face was as swollen as a rhinos and it was fire-engine red! A few benadryls later she was fine.

Monday, August 13, 2007

It's Trial and Error

"Let the wise listen and add to their learning,
and let the discerning get guidance."
-Proverbs 1:5

"Can't you just say you're sorry?" Matthew murmured.
I quickly batted back with a "I will say I'm sorry when I think what I've done is wrong..."

I am quickly learning the importance of a humble heart.
It's okay to be wrong. The hardest part is admitting it. Can we really expect to gain wisdom if our own pride gets in the way? No. Although criticism can sometimes feel uncomfortable, it is mandatory to self-development. It's not exactly enjoyable to hear others tell you what you need to work on- however, its necessary.

I want to be a sponge, soaking up everything that God has to teach me for that day. As Proverbs advices, you need to find disciples, mentors, fellowship- surrounding yourself with people who can sprinkle some light on the path before you.

There is never a point when any of us can "know it all." Christ came so that we may have access to His knowledge on how to live in this chaotic life. If we were always right, there would be no need for His Word.
Error is part of development and learning from those errors is not merely a part of this life...it IS this life. Without it, there's no growth. No matter how bad it hurts when I fail, its comforting to know that there is always a lesson to follow--if my heart is simply humble enough to learn it.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Craft Receiver

I realized today that Matthew and I have odd gift-giving tendencies. I give him art, crafts, etc "girly gifts" and he gives me electronics. When let's face it, we're basically just buying for ourselves! Sad, but true. Maybe I'll buy him something with the words megabites or gigs at the end of it next time.

Monday, August 6, 2007

lazy week...

Thats right its my week OFF! No work or school. In fact, no more summer school ever for me...and I've had it since my jr. year of high school. Sweet release! Matt and I are just lounging, being bums and loving it.

But of course I can't just not work at all....so I have/am still in the process of giving my website a big ole' facelift! Check it out if you have time.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Seth + Christa Wedding

My FIRST wedding! Seth and Christa were nice enough to have a little faith in me. This wedding had all sorts of flavors: 10 bridesmaids/groomsmen, a cute little dance that the bridesmaids and bride made up, custom-made chocolate bars for the guest, etc. I wish you both all the best. Thanks for letting me be a part of your special day~