Sunday, September 23, 2007

The legacy continues...

The big ole' gold beauty finally has hit my hands! After 3.5 years of finals, late-night cram sessions, and a newfound obsession for all "munchie" foods, I finally have some gold to show for it.

If you are out of state reading this, you probably think, "Its just a graduation ring? Mine is in a box somewhere." No no, not here in Aggieland. Ring day is an EVENT. Tents filled with water to keep hydrated, dunking festivals, and professional photographers to make sure and capture a piece of your day. It's a big deal... its the pinnacle of your career as an Aggie. And yesterday I became a part of that legacy.

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These are my roommates Sarah (left) and Kay (right) who were nice enough to come spend the day with me!

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Matt said...

Congratulations baby! We're all proud of your senior status and I've never seen such a gorgeous hand model to show off that gold hardware. I'm glad I got to see it all this weekend, even if it is another weird Aggie tradition!

whitney whitney said...


Ashley said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! My little Aggie freshman in all grown up! Glad that longhorn will have some normalacy to balance him out! J/K!!!!!!! :)