Matt and I missed a conference in early August called Relationship Rx. It was in Houston and Les Parrot, Gary Smalley, and other writers/preachers were speaking. Since we missed it, Matt bought the Cd set. And let me tell you, it was nothing short of extraordinary. I have sort of been hogging them and listening to them when I drive from College Station to Houston. It's completely okay that my fellow road-travelers think I'm a crazy emotional woman when they see tears streaming down my cheeks.
I needed a wake-up call, a cold glass of water splashed on my sleepy heart. God just grabbed me a shook me around a bit to get the message to me that life goes beyond my little shell. To invest in the lives of others, I first have to stop constantly thinking about my own. Relationships are the greatest chance we get to practice God's love. He shows us how to be slow to anger and quick to listen, have patience when we want to scream, and how to love without fear. I will soon be thrown (happily launched, of course) into a world where I am a part of a man's everyday life. My prayer is that I compliment Matthew, through encouragement, support, and self-sacrificial love.
Unfortunately, you cannot purchase it online, but you can call 713-365-2317. Thats the Second Baptist Bookstore, they said they can send it to you!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A Must-Hear
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/31/2007 08:13:00 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Laughter is Medicine to the Soul
When I walked out the door I was foggy-headed and heavy-eyed. I grabbed my gear and walked down the stairs, hearing the sad cries of my whimpering pup in the background, and drove to downtown Houston. I had to snap out of it cause the engagement session was about to start!
Amanda and Ric were both filled with such kindness and they made me laugh. Laughter is such a missed art. It lifts the soul and restores energy to the heart.
As I came home, I walked through the same door I had trudged through before with a pep-in-my-step. I felt GIDDY from the session. Matthew made some comment about how I was acting like a little girl, and he found it endearing because he knew that I was finding fulfillment in what I was doing. I believe that when God gives you a gift and you use it to the best that you can for Him, this is the feeling He grants you. You feel like a kid again.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/30/2007 10:22:00 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Details Galore
Ok, who has planned a wedding? Did you find the details overwhelming? I am for sure. I'm not really a detail-oriented person naturally, so this is all new to me. Which flowers go where, who is escorting who to their seat, where people will stay, etc. Last night Matthew sweetly said, "You just need to enjoy it. I'm here with you to help you calm down, but you can't run from everything." He's right. I am a RUN-NER. Not the best of qualities, but I'm working on it. I have full confidence that the fresh fruit and smooth beaches of Hawaii will soak up the aftermath of the wedding woos just fine :)
My favorite picture from the bridals I shot yesterday with Lauren. (This is the unedited picture.) Her green eyes are so piercing.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/27/2007 07:03:00 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Food for thought: What Kind of Cookie Are You?
I love quizzes. Un-academic ones at least.
Apparently, I'm "exotic." HA!
So, what kind of cookie are you?
You Are a Jam Cookie |
![]() On the outside, you project a straight-laced, innocent vibe. But on the inside, you're complex, exotic, and full of flavor. |
I promise to update with photography-related topics soon. Tomorrow I have a bridal session with Lauren, so pictures are coming soon!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/25/2007 09:03:00 PM
A Sentimental Mood
My freshman year was a tremendous growing experience for me. I was so caught up in myself and finding answers to every question I had in life...but the constant searching kept me seeking. God has taught me a great deal these past 3 and a half years at A&M. Although our identity is fluid, constantly changing and being reformed into who the Lord created us to be, it is nice to reflect back on the journey sometimes. This is the letter to myself I found while looking through old drawers today (written 9-30-05).
This year I'd like to learn how:
-To take baby steps.
-To stop worrying about what others think and just experience life from my own perspective.
-To live now instead of always thinking of tomorrow. Because all I'm given is now. God doesn't hand me the whole puzzle, He hands me pieces.
-To transform worries into prayers and remember that God does care about the little things.
-To be thankful. Instead of dreaming of what could be, I'd like to accept and appreciate what IS.
-To relax, remembering that if you don't slow down, you miss things.
That's a lot of things to want to learn in one year, right? At least I was hopeful! Have I successfully conquered these goals? No, and thats okay. Keeps me depending on the Lord. So thank you, Father, for still having faith in me and taking the time to help me grow.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/25/2007 03:01:00 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Fearless Hearts & Twirling Skirts
When Matt and I were in downtown shooting a session last Saturday, we saw this amazing International Fair. I could've watched these sweet little oriental girls dance for hours. They were so peaceful up on that stage waving their arms and twirling in their skirts. It made me wish I could lapse back in time to the days when I was a child and the only thing to worry about was whether my mom was going to make me eat my tomatoes at dinner. Life is beautiful when you have a childlike heart.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/24/2007 03:04:00 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
City Lights
There is nothing like the city life. And folks, it will be my life in less than 3 months. Kinda weird since I've never lived in a city that would be classified as large. I grew up with deer in my yard and picking cactus was considered a punishment. Oh believe me, it was much worse than being grounded. No matter how thick the gloves, you still got pricked. Those were just the so-called "rough times." So many nights I would take a warm blanket, lay on our sloped driveway and look up at the stars. I remember being so humbled by how a small girl was living in such a big world. City life may have the fast cars and bright lights, but the country has STARS.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/22/2007 04:02:00 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
I Got Inked
Thats right, I got inked. Maroon Weekly, Texas A&M's newspaper, did a special on student entrepreneurs and called last week to interview me! On my goals for this year, I had put "to be published in a magazine or newspaper." When we were asked to do this at church I was a bit nervous....I always hate to ask for things cause I fear getting my hopes up and being disappointed. But its neat to see God work, to notice that He always exceeds expectations- limits are BOUNDLESS. If you are brave enough to seek direction, He will grant you answers. Below is the cover, with pictures from my sessions with Kristin West and Mandy & Jack.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/19/2007 05:00:00 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Different Views
This weekend Matt, my dad, and I all took a picture of the same flower. I find it interesting that all of our views were entirely different. Just shows how each person has a unique perspective that they can bring to the table. Take a look..... (oh and the winner is HANDS DOWN Matthew!)
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/16/2007 12:42:00 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Double Rings May Mean "Cha-Ching"
These past few months I have felt my heart slowly leaning more toward portrait photography rather then weddings. Although I do have a few upcoming weddings this next year that I'm excited about, I have decided to take a different route. Mostly because I love the innocence and free-spirited nature of children. The chance to spend time working with them and their loving parents excites me more than any other field of work. I also love seniors. Several years ago, I too was one, and getting ready for my senior pictures was a blast! I wanted the photograph to be valid evidence that I had changed, that I was really beginning to spread my wings.
Just thought you guys would appreciate the update and it explains why the "wedding" gallery on my page has gone MIA. A while back I sought some advice from the incredibly talented Asher of Eden Photography, and she only helped confirmed my joy for working with younger adults and children! Check her out, you guys will be amazed and inspired.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/15/2007 09:16:00 PM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Need Your Input
HI folks,
I am trying to venture out for this next session I am doing. I need your ideas--themes, clothes, etc! The couple I am shooting are open for anything fun!
PLEASE leave comments below -----
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/09/2007 05:28:00 PM
83 days...
83 is my favorite number. No clue why. But now that is officially how many days are left until I become Mrs. Stricklin! In honor of this, I'd like to give a shout out to Matthew... my best friend, fellow business partner (one day), and soul mate. You bring so much light to my life. I love you. Let me show you the many faces of my handsome Matthew:
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/09/2007 04:24:00 AM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Please look at what my roommate brought home for our 3 dogs to wear. For Halloween, Kay had a vision of us all being a hive of bees, and Brandon (who lives in the side apartment of our house) is the beekeeper. That's right, the mesh over the face, covered in black beekeeper. We are a big offbeat. More pics to come around Halloween, but for now here's Marlie in her new attire....
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/03/2007 03:38:00 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Jack + Mandy Engagement Session
Couples like these two make my job worthwhile. There is a sweet chemistry between them, the kind that you just want to be close to. Their spark leaks into the lives of others, creating wildfires of change. Love should be like this. It should radiate and touch the lives of others. After all, it's not meant to be bottled's mean to share. So thank you Mandy and Jack for sharing with Matthew and I. It was like a breath of fresh air.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
10/02/2007 12:12:00 AM