I'm enduring the growing pains of learning how to process pictures. And I must say, it's gonna leave some major stretch marks.
So, which of these is your favorite?
(Sorry to use a picture of me, but it was the only close-up portrait available since I'm at Matt's house!)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Processing Poll
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
11/30/2007 05:37:00 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
It is almost that time, people. I will be sharing half of my stuff with a man. This is a new concept for me. I'm excited about it though! Today has been filled with shirt-hanging, good-will bagging, and watching Matt pry my hoarded nicknacks out of my grubby little paws. I am a pack rat. NOT a good quality to possess while trying to move from a 4 bedroom house with about 12 hidden closets into a 2 bedroom condo.
Moving digs up old memories. Each time I've moved in college (which has been about 6 times) I am always warmed by the bittersweetness of old photographs or notes from middle school-- little keepsakes that got piled beneath the mess. It's refreshing to stumble across them.
Tomorrow is less sentimental. I will be looking for a big girl job in Houston. That's right, say your prayers folks!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
11/29/2007 05:36:00 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Morning Light
I took some quick shots of my roommate this morning at 9:00 A.M. She wanted some traditional pics for her graduation announcements that go out tomorrow. At this time, the light was just perfect! I will have to remember this.
Not sure if I've mentioned it before...but I am a music LOVER. Not just any music, but music that moves. If you havent seen August Rush, see it! The music is incredible! I am anxiously awaiting the soundtrack.
here's what's in my play list of songs I never get sick of:
Sara Groves - Something Changed
Joseph Arthur - Honey & the Moon
Mirah - Don't Die in Me
The Weepies - Gotta Have You
Sister Act II - Oh Happy Day
Rachael Yamagata - Jesus Was a Crossmaker
The Flaming Lips - Yoshima vs. the Robots
Reed Foehl - Indian Summer
Wheat - Don't I Hold You
Angels & Airwaves - Secret Crowds
Glen Hansard ft Markéta Irglová - Falling Slowly
Pete Yorn - Lose You
Beth Orton - Thinking About Tomorrow
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
11/27/2007 04:23:00 PM
Little Birds
Lord, I want to trust in Your promise to provide. Mold my heart into one filled with reliance and peace. Free me from the traps of self-guilt and idleness that the evil one sets before me.
Your ways are perfect.
Your will is pure.
You are the melody that my heart longs to sing.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
11/27/2007 03:00:00 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Season of Grandure
In Texas, my favorite season is usually skipped through. The trees do turn, which i definitely appreciate, but the air is thick and the temperature high. So those few days when I do get to turn off the AC and roll down my windows, I am happy as a lark! Before my session today, Matt drug me away from my paper-writing spell and encouraged me to take little snaps of fall. Ironically, fall turned into Christmas around our household the same night--my Christmas-enthused roommate put up not one, not two, but THREE Christmas trees! So ladies (or gents) if you are reading this, and have already added Snow-in-a-Can to your windows, hung mistletoe, or slid a Christmas CD in your car, you are not alone. There are other jolly Christmas freaks out there. :)"
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
11/19/2007 07:04:00 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Lessons from 3-Year Olds
In a hustled manner, my feet swished back and forth, trying to keep up with my racing thoughts. I whipped the corner and saw a bubble floating up above, then another, then another. On my tuesday-thursday route to class, I pass a day care. The typical scene if filled with at least one screaming child, but not today. Today they had bubbles! Each kid squealed as the teacher blew these round wonders up into the endless sky. They reached up as high as they could to catch as many as possible.
I was instantly jealous. Children have something I will never truly have: undamaged hearts. They enjoy life's simplicity and reach up high, without fear of the future.
Their love has not grown cold. Their faith is uncalloused. They've lost the sense of self that dominates so much of what we do as adults. I want to be there again.
Lord, today, I want to have the heart of a child---free to laugh without hesitation, free to trust those who are bigger than me, free to be myself in each moment.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
11/13/2007 05:11:00 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Countdown Begins...
"I remember checking your wedding website and seeing the countdown say '200 days left'. Now it is almost a month away."
A MONTH. My dads words hit me like a freight train. The engagement journey has flown by with full-force. Suddenly everything has turned into a countdown- only 3 more papers to write EVER, and 2 written exams. Just yesterday the same girl who is now in athletic shorts with her hair pulled back was fumbling through dorm cabinets looking for that "perfect outfit" on the first day of school. The way time passes makes me wince, yet it makes me appreciate this blink-lengthed second.
I have slowed down my business so that I can remember this month. So the pictures I post may be a bit more personal for awhile. I hope you still come stop by though!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
11/12/2007 09:12:00 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
They Don't Call It A Shower For Nothing
The terminology wedding shower has been a bit strange to me. The bride doesn't run through a sprinkler or get an ice bucket dumped on her head, so why shower? After my first one today, I no longer ask why. You get completely DRENCHED with generous gifts! Matt and I signed over the official wedding contract with the Villa di Felicita this morning then headed over to our Wedding Shower. It was an eventful day! I am definitely not one to love the spotlight, but today was different. When you are in a room filled with people who are here to celebrate love, suddenly it's not really about just ME, its about the force of two hearts joining and all the wonderful blessings that dance along behind it.
So today, I was wrong. (Please don't copy and paste that and use it against me!) I thought I didn't want a wedding shower, but now I am thankful we had one! There wasn't even one cheek-pinch. :)
Here are some pictures with the point and shoot camera:
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
11/11/2007 05:09:00 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
'Tis the Season
Thanksgiving + Christmas are just around the corner. I have updated a holiday package on my website that is quite a steal, so be sure to check it out under the **SPECIALS** tab. That's all for now!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
11/07/2007 08:30:00 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Our Announcement!
Matthew and I's engagement is published in our hometown paper! This is so exciting to see it in print. We just love our photographer, Agung Fauzi. He was wonderful for our engagement photos and my bridals. For our engagements, he took us all around South Lake and Ft. Worth, Tx. In honor of our newspaper announcement, I thought I'd post a few of our engagement pictures...enjoy!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
11/06/2007 02:13:00 AM