So maybe I'm no Julie are a few of MY favorite things....
1. A recent read. Suspensful, bone-chilling, love story that is guaranteed to make you quietly exit the room to cry (bitter-sweet tears).
2. An instant RAVE: smells and tastes like vanilla ice cream goodness, my lips don't stick to Matt's and it actually LASTS! I wore Perfect Face Cosmetics at my wedding and have been wearing them since. Before, I was simply a mascara and moisturizer girl.....not anymore! (pictured: Lexa + Beehive)

3. My little pup Marlie, who will be the big ONE years old next month. The neighborhood pooches are already getting together a wild kegger to celebrate. Ok, not really.

4. ROCKBAND!!! This is my so-hot-right-now character, named Ella Gray. A girl can dream, ok?! And yes, I designed her asymmetrical bob. The best part is you get to go rockstar shopping after performing. Ohhhh yeah.
Matt's has split personalities: his drummer is Ryder an emo dude. The Guitarist is covered in tats and dreads, his name is Lex.

5. My husband's bootyliscious Rock n' Republics! What?? I can say that now. we're married! :)

What is your new favorite gadget/accessory?
Definitely my new Fossil watch I found at First Monday in Canton.. for $25!
My iPhone! Trust me, once you get one, you will wonder how the heck you ever lived without it. Check your email, text and call just like a Blackberry, plus Google and Facebook all you want where ever you want. Then mapquest, get traffic reports and turn-by-turn directions like a GPS plus don't forget to load it with your fav songs and videos like an iPod!
I'd say it's worth the investment...
K&K you're preaching to the wrong pulpit on that one... I've tried to get her away from the darkside of the Blackberry and move to the I-goodness but to no avail. I don't exactly know how i managed to pass time in class w/o mine, haha! I will admit though, her speakerphone KILLS the iPhone... but that's about it. haha!
I'll go ahead and weigh in to say my most beloved gadget is my XBox360 and Halo... oh boy does that get me in trouble w/ the lady but its so addictive!
Can't tell you how much I love Nicholas Sparks! Have you read Suzanne's Letters to Nicholas or Sam's Letters to Jennifer (I think that's what they're called)? They will make you cry!
my imac. sometimes i look at it more than my husband. is that a bad thing?
Yall have some major goodies!
Julie- I have read Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas and Sam's Letters to Jennifer, both excellent!
And KristinKay- i wouldn't let you husband know that. I feel ya though, once when I was at a coffee shop eyeing some choc. chip cookies and the employee told my husband that I'd never look at him the way I was staring at those moist cookies....ahh...the love affair.
That's so funny, for the last year I've been trying to finish that book, but for some reason, I haven't been able to read it all the way, and every time I do get back to it, I'm completely lost. I've got to finish it... you've just inspired me to get to it, hahaha.
Hmmm my favorite gadget? I dont have any how lame am I? I got a New D300 does that count as a gadget? Umm Be Delicious Lip gloss too.. really good last for hours, I can tell you my hubby loves Call of Duty 4 and my kids adore Rockband.
This is Sooo funny, I was planning a post like this today...and well, you beat me to it....except that mine is more for food......:)
Rock band is AWESOME. We don't have it but played it a while ago at a friends house. So fun. Wish they'd make it for he wii.
Thanks so much for your wonderful comments on my blog. It make my day :)
(ps. are you going to WPPI this year?)
I swear I typed in the T (before he wii) and the s after make. My above comment sounds like I don't know how to talk. LOL!
iphone. oh sweet iphone. i had to settle for a smart phone *kickin dirt with head slumped*
Hi Rachel, I don't know how you found my blog, but I'm so glad you did! I LOVE your writing style and photos! :) Thanks for the comment! I'll be stopping by here a lot! Oh, and my favorite gadget is probably my camera!
Fun post! I would have to say my fav right now is my iPhone . . . i'm addicted :)
my mac book pro! Just got it and adjusting to the learning curve.
Love your post! I might have to steal the idea someday ;)
Great post!
My newest gadge love is my iPod. I know, but I am just getting in the groove :)
Among others, I must list my new sticky notes, courtesy of YOU!!!! We got them and we love them - who knew stickies could be so stylish!! THANK YOU!!!!
cute dog!!
So glad you put that book on this post! I've been trying to find a new book to read and that one looks good.
Those evil rock and republic's! Cesar loves those jeans too but our account does not! :)
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