Thank you for helping me make the decision! It appears Squarespace is the winner. No worries, though there is a link called "My Old Blog" on the left-hand menu of the new blog.
So add this to your bookmarks if you'd like and check out my new YUMMY post:
peace. love. and blogs.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
The Blog Has Moved!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
3/08/2008 12:46:00 AM
Friday, March 7, 2008
Not Quite Sure....?
Since YOU are the blog readers, I would like your personal vote....
I am doing a trial run for because I like the search engine feature, archives, and big pictures (without a host site).
I'd like to know which blog you like best!
1. The one I have now!
2. This New blog I've been working on.
Let me know, I need your input!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
3/07/2008 02:49:00 AM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The Blog is Moving
This blog is finding a new residence~ I have been using a host site to post all my pictures (that's why they're so big) and Matt asked a very simple question yesterday:
him: "What happens if the host site goes down?"
me: "uhhhh....never considered that."
So I'm finally caving and getting an account that will do it all for me and secure my work. No more teaching myself html code to try to get the details just how I want them! I'll be a busy bee the next few days, I updated my website too if you haven't already checked that out feel free to do so. I'll let you know when the new blog is up and running!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
3/05/2008 05:57:00 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
A New Start
Beginnings are always scary... new jobs, new relationships, new towns. They all force you to face the unknown. You're entering a territory that may not be comfortable. Today I caught myself complaining about my new starts, then it hit me -- at least I have one.
Some people don't even get the chance to experience newness. Maybe because circumstances in their lives that keep them from being able to experience change, so they are forced to stand in idle. Change has heightened my sense of self-awareness. It has allowed me to find courage through starting over with my business, and it has given me appreciation for the things that DO remain timeless and true: my faith, family, and sweet husband.
So next time I find myself standing on start and rolling my eyes because I can't even see the finish line - I'll remember, at least I'm moving.

Posted by
Rachel Brooke
3/02/2008 03:50:00 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
It's REVAMP time!
It was Christmas as the Stricklin household yesterday. I never knew I had so much cheer power in me until I saw the mail lady carrying a box with my 5D in it. No more Rebelxti, it's time to bust out the big guns!
So I'm on a mission. We are out taking pictures today for business cards. I've already updated my intro page and parts of my website. I'm going to fix my blog when I return, I realize it is a drab white right now. Change is about to take place, my friends.
Check back today for our new and improved pictures!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
3/01/2008 05:55:00 PM
Friday, February 29, 2008
Add a +1 to the Family

In my heart I feel that the Stricklin's are one mut short. I love little Marlie to pieces, but there's something inside me that says...."there's more to come." With big watery eyes I begged Matt to take me to the pound today so we could rescue our new pup, but he was like a stone. A rugged, cold, stubborn stone. In time, I will smooth out those edges and convince him though. At least that's what I tell myself.
The next dog will be BIG. I've always grown up around big dogs (we've had 5!). Since I now feel that God is leading me to pursue photography full time, I'm alone by myself a lot during the day... I want some more company and protection around here!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
2/29/2008 05:36:00 AM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Raw vs. Jpeg.
After one solid year of fighting it.... I'm a believer.
The battle has been won folks, and RAW gets the medal of honor.
Matt has been begging me to switch to RAW forever and a day but I'm stubborn.
So today it was on...we went outside and I triumphantly rooted for my Jpeg team, convinced that it is was indeed the best. I had it in the bag. We raced upstairs to compare the results.
The evidence is here for the viewing.

***When I loaded the RAW image, a box popped up with all the ways to adjust the photo - curves, shadows, saturation, etc. I was able to do it all in about 1 minute. Usually it takes me a long time to fix a picture because I spend so long picking out the "perfect formula" of actions. So simple, I wish I would've listened sooner!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
2/19/2008 09:51:00 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The Next D. Wade
i love my gym class hero.
I played with ISO at Matt's game tonight. I'm still learning so much! I have the eye, and Matthew has the mechanic brain. We make a good team! So, basically I'm trying to get down-to-basics before I get my 5D. I CANT WAIT.

Posted by
Rachel Brooke
2/16/2008 04:16:00 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy LOVE Day.
Happy Valentines Day everyone. I hope you spread some L.O.V.E!
Here's some sweet gifts I 2nd Valentine's to have someone special to share it with :)

I dont want the guy who buys me fancy roses....
I want the guy who picks wildflowers.
I dont want the guy who quotes famous poets...
I want the guy who tells me I'm beautiful just because I'm me.
I dont want the guy who will only dance with me when nobody is watching...
I want the guy who dances with me down the grocery aisle.
I dont want the guy who I have to worry about being unfaithful...
I want the guy who could never dare to lose me.
I dont want the guy who feels that I am so lucky to have him...
I want the guy who feels he is lucky to have me.
I dont want the guy who sees me as a question mark...
I want the guy who makes me a period.
I wrote this before I met you and little did I know that the man of my dreams would meet ALL these things and so much more. XOXO
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
2/15/2008 01:43:00 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Great Expectations
I was headed on my usual path home, but i got lost in the music... I took a hasty right turn into a neighborhood filled with crisply polished lawns and 3-car garages. While in college, during a thoughtful night I would drive way out into the country and let my mind wander freely.
.......What type of family lives in that refined white house? Do they love each other? ........Is their life similar to how they expected it would be?
I found a warming comfort in the feeling of the chilling air running through my car as it chased out sound waves of music. Dreaming is medicine for my soul.
Is my life all that I expected it to be? Most certainly not. Do I often feel trapped by the burden of doubt or anticipation? Of course, new beginnings will do that to you. I've come to the conclusion that the burden of doubt is mostly a result of expectations. I commonly use expectations as an excuse for self-preservation. If I expect the worst....I take no risk. If I expect the best, I could be in for a series of let-downs. Where is the safe realm of expectations? More importantly, what are we allowed to expect from humans without turning out disappointed at the end of the day?
Maybe God has laid this on my heart to reveal that when we expect from others, we forget to expect from ourselves. Suddenly the matters of our own heart are replaced by idealizations of what we believe someone else should be doing. Leaps of faith are necessary, the result at the end is not the important part, but rather the journey to get there.
The only person holding the pen to write the script of my life is God. I might try to scratch through some of the lines He has written every now and then, but ultimately the ending will take form exactly as the Author planned.
This is one thing I can expect.
I need to take a lesson from nature. This big guy doesn't seem to concern himself with worries or doubts. As Matthew 6 says, if God plans out the life of a bird, surely He cares for His own children.
*Credits for this beautiful bird shot go to Matt. He spotted him in the tree a few mornings ago and snapped it with our 70-200mm. :)
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
2/12/2008 03:55:00 AM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Raindrops on Roses, Whiskers on Kittens...
So maybe I'm no Julie are a few of MY favorite things....
1. A recent read. Suspensful, bone-chilling, love story that is guaranteed to make you quietly exit the room to cry (bitter-sweet tears).
2. An instant RAVE: smells and tastes like vanilla ice cream goodness, my lips don't stick to Matt's and it actually LASTS! I wore Perfect Face Cosmetics at my wedding and have been wearing them since. Before, I was simply a mascara and moisturizer girl.....not anymore! (pictured: Lexa + Beehive)

3. My little pup Marlie, who will be the big ONE years old next month. The neighborhood pooches are already getting together a wild kegger to celebrate. Ok, not really.

4. ROCKBAND!!! This is my so-hot-right-now character, named Ella Gray. A girl can dream, ok?! And yes, I designed her asymmetrical bob. The best part is you get to go rockstar shopping after performing. Ohhhh yeah.
Matt's has split personalities: his drummer is Ryder an emo dude. The Guitarist is covered in tats and dreads, his name is Lex.

5. My husband's bootyliscious Rock n' Republics! What?? I can say that now. we're married! :)

What is your new favorite gadget/accessory?
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
2/07/2008 05:05:00 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Loving Equally
I'm thinking twice about my critiques and barriers I put up against people. The Heavenly Father isn't selective with who He loves, so why do I think I have the right to be?
After spending so much time trying to perfect myself and it is only in my inability to do so that I've found true freedom. It's a daily challenge to humbly serve - to love the least. During Jesus' 33 years on earth, He didn't find the most well-respected, non-annoying, rich individuals - He found the lame. The lepers laying at the end of dark allies. The woman whose bedroom was consistently occupied by lust-hungry men. The conning traders and thieves. He found the least and accepted them as his adopted sons and daughters.
"The KING replied, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me." -Matthew 25:40
***This is a picture of my best friend Beth's fiance. It may seem random, but it just ties in with my daily thought process.....she always pictured herself being whisked away by some indie-music loving, free-spirited kinda lad. Instead, the Lord brought her Jacob, a kind-hearted good ole' country boy. If she had judged him initially, she would've missed the man of her dreams. A girl's gotta love a cowboy :)
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
2/04/2008 08:30:00 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Are You Ready for Some Football?!?!!
I'm pretty neutral on who wins this time around. Once the Cowboys lost, I was spent. We are the 4th youngest team, though, so we claim our victory! Even though I am NOT a fan of the Giants, I do tend to root for the underdogs! And, I think Brady has had his glory...I mean come on, who gets to win the superbowl, be undefeated, and date Gisele Bundchen!!? He's livin' la vita loca!
The country boy with the football gene.....
The GQ ladies man.......
Enjoy your chili, queso, and whatever other Superbowl comfort foods you munch on!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
2/03/2008 03:38:00 PM
Friday, February 1, 2008
And the Award Goes To.........
It was hard for Matt to narrow down the winner. At one point, he even felt defeat....claiming he just "couldn't take the pressure." He kept coming in and saying "Which ones are your top 3???" I gave him NO help. After much contemplation, the award goes to..............
.....drumroll, please............
"Dude, where's the bride? Did she get cold feet?" I love it, the two sidekicks do look like little penguin groomsmen in their tuxes.
Congrats you guys! Email me at with your choice of sticky note design!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
2/01/2008 06:17:00 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
It's contest time again! Why? Because I passed the 100 posts marker! This is post #101 for me...can't believe it!
Contest Objective: Give this photo a name (or funny caption).
How the Winner is Picked: I am going to write all the names down and let my husband, Matt, pick his favorite. (I would never want to appear biased!)

Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/27/2008 07:55:00 PM
Friday, January 25, 2008
Hotel Cafe Tour 2008
I'm so pumped that I found this tour!!! If you like Indie music, you will be excited too. They are pretty much covering the whole U.S. it seems. Here are some of the artists that will be performing:
Sara Bareilles
Ingrid Michaelson
Cary Brothers
Joshua Radin
Jim Bianco
Rocco Deluca
Greg Laswell
Priscilla Ahn
Jessie Baylin,
Kate Havnevik
Buddy & Holly Conlan
Eric Hutchinson
Bob Schneider
Christopher Denny
What a list!!! Get tickets here.
**I am still doing a contest....still trying to think of something creative at this will be my next post!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/25/2008 07:52:00 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Baby Got Back...Grounds, That Is
I've been tinkering around with some new backgrounds. Oh, I also learned how to give a digital nose job yesterday. It's official, Photoshop can do ANYTHING. Here are some designs I made of my pup and our trip to Colorado:
ATTENTION blog readers!!!!
My next post will be another contest so stay tuned :)
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/24/2008 04:55:00 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I Heard it Through the Grapevine...

50% off session fees for Maternity, Children, and Family Portraits through February 28th! I really want more of these sessions, so I'm willing to cut my pricing in half just to get them! E-mail to reserve your session date.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/22/2008 03:37:00 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
It Takes Two, Baby.
The weather here has been stormy and freezing cold. It gives Matthew and I a chance to stay in, snuggle by the fire, and eat cookies and milk. Last night we had a movie night and watched Stardust. If you haven't seen it yet you should-- it's an enchanting film.
All this quality time is surfacing the fact that living with someone can be tough. Someone I love so passionately has the ability to make me feel strongly capable of great things and also has the power to crush my spirit with one misinterpreted comment. I'm quickly noticing that love can bring out the best and the worst in me. You're used to having things your way when it's just you. Suddenly another person slides in, and those towels you neatly folded aren't so neat anymore. The midnight trip to the bathroom you used to take with no problem now ends with your butt falling into the bowl because someone *no names* forgot to put the seat down. The lesson is in learning to bend. At what point do I remove the death grip I have on the guns in my holsters and realize that love is bigger than just me?
I believe that most of love is about rolling to the middle. At the end of the day when the lights fade, do we stay tucked away in our separate corners or do we neglect pride and meet in the middle?
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/20/2008 12:12:00 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008
The New Me....Possibly
Ladies..... are you bored?
If yes, I've got just the thing for you. A virtual makeover. You put celebrity hairstyles on your own head. haha!
Scary thing is I am in fact going in for a haircut if i'm brave enough maybe I might turn into one of these versions of myself.
Here are the styles I chose:
1. The classy Miss Jennifer Aniston
2. Crazy Laguna Beach Kristin
3. Polished Katie Holmes
4. The fabulous and trendy Reese Witherspoon
See, I told you that I need a job. And thanks for all of your advice, I have applied at 8 places in a variety of fields so we will see what happens. I'll keep you posted :)
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/18/2008 04:19:00 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I've got to get a job.
I've always considered myself a homebody, but with my husband gone to law school all day, the company of a cat and dog is just not quite enough. I can't wait to get to the point where I do photography full-time. But since I started my business when I was in college, had another job, and traveled every weekend to see Matt, I've never had the chance to pursue it full-fledged.
Here are the potential job ideas (other than photography)
1. An editor
2. Temp at some company
3. nanny?? I do love kids!
4. Office Manager of a photography company/Assistant
Any help??
Here are some pictures from a session I did awhile ago. More current ones to come once I get my computer moved in.
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/16/2008 05:35:00 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
"Mahalo" is Thank You in Hawaiian. I've been writing a thousand thank you notes for wedding gifts. I took this task upon myself because let's face it, here's what a guy's thank you note would look like:
Dear _____,
Thank you for it.
unemotional boy
Of course mine are filled with different adjectives to express gratitude, specific notes about HOW we are going to use the gift cards, etc. Lets just say it took me 4 hours to write 35 after the bridal shower.
On my breaks, I'm editing pictures from Hawaii....
Two old ladies told Matt to take his shirt off for this shot. Those lustful old bones.
I had my back to the shore for this upclose shot....and I got TOTALLY drenched! My camera no longer works. Stupid interesting barnacles & shells cost me a fortune.
The mailboxes of a small village alongside the road to Hana.
Our new rings!!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/14/2008 06:01:00 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Our Wedding Slideshow
I finally bought Show It web! There is a discount code for it so if you don't have it yet, now is the time. The discount code is "star" after Jasmine Star. Apparently her and David Jay, the creator, are buddies so he's helping folks out! So I'm going to make a slideshow of the wedding today, then one of the honeymoon soon.
Sorry for the post being alllll about me lately, but a lot is going on that I feel inclined to share. My "sabbatical" is now over and I'm booking again which I'm thrilled about!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/11/2008 08:22:00 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Weeee're Back!
I can't wait to post some pictures from our honeymoon. Right now we're busy unpacking and getting settled in. My sweet husband is sleeping next to me, the plane rides/time change wore us both out.
Stay tuned, I'll show you the beauties of Hawaii!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/10/2008 11:46:00 PM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Quick Note from MRS. STRICKLIN
Howdy folks,
Quick computers allowed on the honeymoon....but I wanted to at least share with you my bridal slideshow and a few wedding quick shots that my friends took at the wedding! Our pictures were taken at around 4:00 and there was not a cloud in the sky. The lighting was a photographers dream! The professional pics will come later and most certainly pictures of Hawaii :)
I was sorta squashed by Matt and his dad.... don't they favor each other?
One happy bride.
My mom is so good to me. She prayed with me at 2a.m. to wash away the wedding gitters. It worked, God gave me a peace that passed ALL understanding.
Happy New Years friends!
p.s. Elizabeth, thanks for remembering the wedding day. That was so thoughtful of you!
Posted by
Rachel Brooke
1/01/2008 04:22:00 AM